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Christian care and training is provided for young children ages four and five on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons. Only a very limited number of children can be accepted into this program due to the small child to teacher ratio.


Our kindergarten program provides a good foundation for a successful school career. In our half-day program, children are taught Bible lessons, phonics, reading, writing, numbers, and other activities on their level.


Our elementary program consists of grades one through six. Spiritual teachers, equipped with great teaching skills, make our elementary grades a haven for learning. Bible is emphasized, as well as the basics of English, reading, math, science and social studies.

Junior High School

Blue Grass junior high school serves students in grades seven and eight. Students attend eight classes each day including: math, science, history, English, and Bible. Several electives are offered including computer and foreign language. Girls' and boys' basketball, girls' volleyball, cheerleading, chorus, and several service and academic clubs are offered to round out their education.

Students learn to accept responsibility for both school materials and school schedules. Our middle school faculty value the opportunity to minister to each student and reinforce Biblical values.

Girls' and boys' basketball, girls' volleyball, cheerleading, chorus, and several service and academic clubs are offered to round out their education.

High School

The senior high school program encompasses the ninth through twelfth grades. Continuing the middle school basics of math, science, English, history, and Bible, our program strives to prepare our students for college. Students are offered a core curriculum that most colleges require for admission. For students who are not planning to attend college, a business course of study is available for all students.

Extracurricular activities include girls' and boys' basketball, girls' volleyball, cheerleading, chorus, and several service and academic clubs.

Graduates of Blue Grass Baptist School have distinguished themselves in many professions. We are proud of our graduates and will endeavor to provide better opportunities in the coming years.

BLUE GRASS BAPTIST SCHOOLS uses A Beka Book curriculum. The following is an excerpt from A Beka Curriculum Guide, A Beka Book, Pensacola, Florida, 1999:


The Christian schools's responsibility is not only to teach academics, but also to fulfill the church's God-ordained role in carrying out the Christian education mandate (Deuteronomy 6:7, Proverbs 22:6, II Timothy 3:15-17). Just as we believe it would be wrong to place our students under the influence of godless teachers, so we believe it would be wrong to place them under the influence of godless, humanistic textbooks and teaching materials. It is imperative to follow a curriculum that is based on the Scriptures, one that has the Christian approach to education and life woven throughout it. This curriculum was written on the premise that all truth comes from God and that any teaching of man that is contrary to the clear teaching of the Word of God must be rejected and refuted.

The A Beka Book curriculums and their correlated materials teach, for example, that mathematics, grammar, and spelling are all rule-governed activities. If they are not taught that way (if, on the contrary, they are taught as arbitrary matters in which the individual may "do his own thing"), then the purpose of mathematics, grammar, and spelling in society is destroyed. This common-sense approach fully accords with Scriptural principles about orderliness and authority. The teaching materials for these subjects also abound with specific examples aimed at Christian character building.

History gives students the record of God's plan for mankind as related to man's creation and fall, the redemptive plan of God, and the fulfillment of God's perfect will and purpose for His creatures. The history texts again and again show the consequences of sin for men and empires and extol those who are good examples of godly living.

The science curriculum presents the universe as the direct creation of the God of the Scriptures and refutes the man-made idea of evolution. Further, it presents God as the great Designer, Sustainer, and Lawgiver, without whom the evident design and laws of nature would be inexplicable. Science is presented as one way that man can fulfill the Genesis command to subdue the earth and exercise dominion over it (Genesis 1:28a).

The A Beka Book curriculums are designed to provide time each day for the teaching of Bible, the most important subject taught in a Christian school. All teachers, whether they teach a Bible class or not, should be concerned with leading students to a saving knowledge of Christ and then helping them to grow spiritually in the Lord. The teaching materials suggested in the curriculum have been designed to give specific examples of how Christians should and should not live, but you as the teacher must also be a living example of the Christian life.

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