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BGBS Highlights


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United Relief Fund
Fall Carnival
General Mills
Kroger and Meijer
Principal Announcement
PTO Update
Alumni News
CTBS Scores
France Trip
Teen Court
Financial Aid for College

United Relief Fund

Our fifth and sixth grades have joined in an effort to help those who suffered during the recent devastations that fell upon New York and Washington D.C. They have been collecting for the United Relief Fund. Collections continued through Friday, October 5, with $500 donated! At our September 15 carnival, we had two seventh graders who took it upon themselves to set up a table to accept donations for the rescue efforts. Alyse Garrard and Rachel Hopkins collected over $100 on that day.
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Fall Carnival

We are pleased to announce that the Carnival/Silent Auction cleared over $5,000 for our school. It was a huge success! The Silent Auction alone generated over $2,000.
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General Mills

We will again be participating in the this General Mills program. Please collect General Mills "Box Tops for Education" box tops and return them to the school. Grandparents and family members are welcome to collect the box tops and send them in too. This is a simple program using items we buy every day; It should take us no time to collect a large quantity and make extra money for our school. Please participate and thank you so much for your support!
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Kroger and Meijer

BGBS will be participating in a new program called "The School Recycling Program." Soon you will see a large container in our lobby that says "Envirobag" on the front. Please, place your clean plastic Kroger and Meijer grocery bags inside and when the box is full we will mail it off and get paid for recycling the bags. Each box holds 5,000 or 70 pounds of bags. We get paid $1 per pound for the plastic grocery sacks. That's $70 every time we fill up a box! Be watching for the box in the lobby!
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Principal Announcement

Our Board of Directors would like to announce the appointment of our new principal, Mr. Guy Causey. Mr. Causey will be joining our staff on June 1. His family--wife Tammy, and children Garrett and Tabitha--will be moving here from Tennessee this summer.

Mr. Causey received a B.S. in Agriculture from the University of Tennessee at Martin in 1982, and has a Master of Arts in Education with an emphasis in Education Administration from Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. He is presently principal Pre-K-3rd grade at Victory Christian Academy in Humboldt, Tennessee, and has taught several years in the Humboldt City Schools and at Crockett County High School in Alamo, Tennessee.

Mr. Causey has served as an agricultural missionary/assistant administrator in Ghana, West Africa, from 1990-1995; and has been a houseparent for the Double B Boys Ranch, Tennessee Baptist Children's Home, in Millington, Tennessee. He has been involved in many other missionary endeavors to such places as Brazil, Japan, Jamaica, and several different areas in south Africa.

Mr. Causey is currently serving as deacon, chairman of the church mission committee, a member of the seminary scholarship committee, and a teacher for the young adult co-ed Sunday school class at the First Baptist Church in Humboldt.

Mr. Causey is anxious to get started and we are excited that the Lord has led him to Blue Grass! We look forward to working with Mr. Causey to make Blue Grass the best school in the bluegrass!

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PTO Update

The PTO is sponsoring a Kro-ger/Meijer Gift Certificate Classroom Contest for the month of October. The class which sells the most Kroger and/or Meijer gift certificates will receive a cash prize. Pick up the certificates in the office and sell to all of your family and friends! This is an easy way to benefit our school (BGBS receives five percent on every dollar); and in October your child's classroom will benefit as well! Next PTO meeting is Thursday night, November 15, at 6:30 p.m. Our fourth, fifth, and sixth grades will be performing for us. Make plans to attend.

If you have not been active in our school's activities, the PTO is a good place to begin. The meetings are usually short and to the point; parents and teachers working together to accomplish so much! Think about it over the summer and make it a point to sign up at the open house in August. We would like 100 per-cent participation! What a difference we can make!

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Alumni News

Kim Drummond, class of 1996, graduated from U.K. suma cum laude in May with a major in communications. She is working in Washington, D.C. for The Chronicle, a higher educational newspaper.

Seth Anderson, class of 1997, graduated in May from the University of Kentucky, College of Communications, with a bachelor of science degree in Telecommunications.

Clarissa Smith, class of 1997, recently graduated from the University of California at Santa Barbara, with a bachelor of arts in Law and Society, Criminal Justice emphasis with honors.

B.J. Burke, class of 1998, graduated this spring with a law enforcement degree from Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond.

Sarah Stang Hendrickson, Blue Grass class of 1998, has been accepted into the U.K. College of Pharmacy. Only 60-70 out of over 300 were accepted-this is quite an honor!

What a bright future these former students have!

Alumni: please let us know where you are and what you are doing! We'd like to put your information on our web site!

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CTBS Scores

CTBS results are in the office if you haven't picked up your child's test scores. The results we have received so far once again indicate that Blue Grass excels!

Kindergarten was in the 74 national percentile; with 10 students in the 75-99 percent range. First grade was in the 73 national percentile; with nine students in the 75-99 percent range. Second grade was in the 67 national percentile; with 10 students in the 75-99 percent range. Third grade was in the 80 percentile; with 12 students in the 75-99 percent range. We had students scoring from one grade level to four grade levels above their present grade!

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France Trip

Interested in seeing the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Lourve Museum, Versailles, D-Day Beaches, and much, much more? Students in grades 7-12 and parents are invited to join Mrs. Judy Combest, our French teacher, on a 10-day trip next spring. The group will leave on May 20, 2002. Registration fee deadline is June 30. Contact Mrs. Combest at 299-7391 for more information.

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We are working toward our students participating in the Fayette County Teen Court Program. Students ages 13-17 volunteer to function as prosecutors, defense attorneys, clerks, bailiffs, and jurors in a sentencing court for juveniles found guilty of misdemeanors. Training sessions are required and we'll pass on the information as we receive it. This promises to be an excellent opportunity for students to experience the court system in action.

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Get started: Fill out and file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form as soon as possible. These are available from the office. Use last year's tax forms and a recent paycheck stub (if applicable) to estimate earnings.

Get help: Come by the office. Don't hire a financial-aid consultant or pay for a "scholarship search" before checking references. Be wary of anyone promising a scholarship for an upfront fee.

Go surfing: For up-to-date information on federal and state programs, see, or For student aid or to use scholarship databases:, or

Scholarship essays: Pick a topic you can use for several applications. Ask one of your teachers to give you tips and to check your essay for grammar and spelling. <

p>Transcripts: Go by the office and get a copy of yours from Mrs. Jufer. Have copies on hand so you can quickly respond to scholarship offers.

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The U.S. Department of Education offers a wealth of information on government student-aid programs. You can even apply for some online there. If you are willing to type a long URL into your Web browser, you can read their excellent handbook, The Student Guide, at
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